Know Your Physio
Knowing your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health, bolster your performance, look and feel your best, and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifespan. My dedication to this field derives from a selfish place born out of necessity before it became the bright, selfless passion I'm known for. It was through my health journey (mainly battling ADD and ten years of Adderall dependency plus related side effects) and love for the scientific method that I found my way. Eventually, with the right knowledge and mentorship, I stumbled upon an enhanced state of awareness between mind, body, and spirit where healthy intentions met actionable steps and lasting, positive lifestyle change. Today I call this "physiological intuition," and to me, it's a right that every human being deserves to thrive with, without having to battle themselves or pursue a degree to discover it. Every day I spend on this planet, I get to connect with world-leading experts on my podcast and learn more of the substance I wish I could have gotten my hands on earlier, for YOU to apply and enjoy total mind and body fitness, personal mastery, and self-actualization! The more you #KnowYourPhysio… Enjoy the show!
Know Your Physio
Joel Greene: Gut Bacteria, Insulin, Personality Types, Young Muscle, and more | Cutting-Edge Research on Gut Health and Optimization
It’s incredible how you can have a conversation with someone that’s almost 2 hours long, and still feel like you could keep talking! Joel Greene is the CEO of VEEP Nutrition, author of The Immunity Code, and one of the original proponents for prioritizing the gut microbiome (to mention just a few of his many accolades). Joel grew up in the projects, raised by a single mom and surrounded by violence. His upbringing made him resilient, fearless, and determined to learn as much as he could about as much as he could! Our conversation is part philosophical and part scientific and some of the many topics that we cover today include how you can train your insulin sensitivity (and why you should), why you should set aside time for stillness every day, and what you can do to keep your muscles young. This episode is filled with powerful insights from start to finish and you’ll walk away with a whole new appreciation for your gut microbiome and a whole lot of knowledge about how to live better and age better!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Introducing today’s guest, Joel Greene!
- An overview of the 16 Personalities personality test, and the value of understanding your personality type.
- The harsh challenges that Joel experienced growing up, and how they have shaped him into the person he is today.
- The role that God plays in Joel’s life.
- Why Joel prioritizes rest and stillness.
- Joel explains the correlation between physical health and productivity.
- Nicotinamide mononucleotide; why Joel takes this supplement first thing in the morning.
- Joel explains how his Immunity Code diet works, and the benefits of it.
- Insulin sensitivity; what it is and the importance of training it.
- Joel’s approach to bringing down his cortisol levels.
- The value of pre-load meals.
- A new way to think about carbohydrates.
- How the bacteria in your gut affect your reactions to certain foods.
- Commonalities versus bio-individualities; Joel’s thoughts on the problem of emphasizing the latter.
- Understanding the gut microbiome.
- Factors that indicate how your gut microbiome is functioning.
- Reasons for my imminent move to Uruguay.
- Supplements that are helpful for managing stress.
- Muscles that we lose as we age, and how to slow down the aging process.
- Exploring the first law of thermodynamics in relation to calories.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: