Know Your Physio
Knowing your physiology, the very science that makes you who you are, is the best thing you can do to optimize your health, bolster your performance, look and feel your best, and enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifespan. My dedication to this field derives from a selfish place born out of necessity before it became the bright, selfless passion I'm known for. It was through my health journey (mainly battling ADD and ten years of Adderall dependency plus related side effects) and love for the scientific method that I found my way. Eventually, with the right knowledge and mentorship, I stumbled upon an enhanced state of awareness between mind, body, and spirit where healthy intentions met actionable steps and lasting, positive lifestyle change. Today I call this "physiological intuition," and to me, it's a right that every human being deserves to thrive with, without having to battle themselves or pursue a degree to discover it. Every day I spend on this planet, I get to connect with world-leading experts on my podcast and learn more of the substance I wish I could have gotten my hands on earlier, for YOU to apply and enjoy total mind and body fitness, personal mastery, and self-actualization! The more you #KnowYourPhysio… Enjoy the show!
Know Your Physio
Andrés Preschel: Physiology for Dummies | A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Human Physiology and Health with Dr. Ricardo Komotar
In today’s special episode you’ll hear our very own Andrés Preschel stepping behind the microphone to be interviewed by Dr. Rick Komotar for his podcast, The Crossover. Dr. Komotar is a Neurosurgeon at Columbia University Medical Center and is the Director of the Brain Tumor Initiative as well as the Brain Tumor Fellowship Program. Tuning in you’ll get to know Andrés a little better, including what motivates his passion for physiology and helping people. In their conversation, Andrés breaks down the top ten things everyone should know about their physiology, along with tips on how anyone can apply these lessons to their everyday life. Discover the importance of hydration, why the female biorhythm is infinitely more complex than their male counterparts, and what the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) biometric marker can teach us about how we manage stressful situations. Andrés also unpacks the importance of incremental change, why everyone’s physiology is unique, and how to monitor your own body. To learn more about our host, how to make positive lifestyle changes, and much more, make sure you tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Get to know your host Andrés Preschel, and his guide to physiology.
- How Andrés became interested in physiology as a specialization.
- The circumstances that prompted Andrés to start this podcast, Know Your Physio.
- Learn about Andrés’s team and the role they play in facilitating accessible science.
- Discover the team at Hambre y Hormonas, a concierge medical practice that Andrés co-founded four years ago.
- The top ten things everyone should know about their physiology.
- The female biorhythm: what it is, why women are underrepresented in medicine, and how their rhythm differs from those of men.
- Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as a biometric marker and the impact it has on how you manage stress.
- Understanding the importance of hydration.
- Why you need adequate protein in your diet and why increased muscle mass is so beneficial as you age.
- How to use applied sciences and visual stimulation to create relaxation and focus.
- The benefits of ketosis and how to achieve it without the keto diet.
- The importance of keeping your blood glucose levels as steady as possible.
- Understanding the role that hormones play in hunger and satiety levels.
- The biggest barrier to people not understanding their physiology.
- The advances in health and wellness that Andres expects to see within the coming decade.
- Andrés’s advice for anyone looking to make positive lifestyle changes.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: